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Olex depths shown on the chart. 39. Relief. 40. Isometric 3D. 40. X-buttons. 41. Perspective 3D. 42. Positioning the camera. 43. Manual camera control. When Olex receivs signals from GPS and echo sounder, the system will automatically start calculation of seafloor maps. Position, bottom- and possibly hardness OPERATOR MANUAL OPERATOR MANUAL - Olex. READ. OPERATOR MANUAL. Multi-Beam Sonar System. Doc. P/N: P/N: OM_WMB160F_SYS. Version: V1.51 V1.6. Olex. 4774 likes · 22 talking about this. Manufacturer of navigation- and Check out our new website, and (preliminary) digital user manual. olex.no.Service & Support » Manuals » Olex · AEC-6860 Boxer Manual.pdf · File System Check Instructions.pdf · Generate a Data Flow Log File.pdf · Olex User Manual. Work with idealised and regularised groups and AFIX instructions . help, a manual change of atom types may be required to break the symmetry. Unique OLEX System for Navigation and Charting Olex M4 Computer (NEW) CPU: i7 - 7700T 2,9 GHz 4 serial ports / 6 USB 3.0 Wifi DC 9 - 36 V power HDMI and All other afix instructions will consider the first atom as a pivot atom and the rest as dependent atoms. The AFIX command can also be used to generate

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