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container crane gantry crane, deck crane. (ship's) cargo gear. The form of cargo-handling equipment employed is basically determined by the. 1.6.1 Basic principles of cargo handling, stowage and carriage. 1.6.2 General cargo. 1.6.3 Unitised cargo. 1.6.4 Containers. 1.6.5 RO-RO cargoes. Catalog excerpts · Cargo Handling Book - 1. Cargo Handling Book Cargo handling solutions for container ships, general cargo vessels and bulk carriers · Cargo It is hoped this booklet will contribute to safe cargo handling operations at the port. Contents. 1. General Rule. 2. List of Cargo Handling Equipment. 3. CargoIncludes index. ISBN 0-87033-550-2 (hardcover). 1. Stowage. 2. Cargo handling. 3. Containerization. I. Sauerbier, Charles L. II. Title. VK235.M44 2004.
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